教育部实施《皇冠hg2020app下载》的规定也特别禁止基于怀孕歧视学生, childbirth, 假怀孕, 终止妊娠, or recovery from any of these conditions. 第九条规定还禁止学校适用任何与学生家长有关的规定, family, or marital status that treats students differently based on their sex.
第九章协调员负责学院遵守第九章,并对基于性别的歧视和骚扰的投诉作出回应. 其他职责包括通过校园环境评估和培训的发展和实施来防止基于性别的歧视和骚扰, education, 通信, and administration of grievance procedures for faculty, staff, students, and other members of the college community.
Sexual violence is a continuum of behaviors that includes sexual assault, 非强迫性行为, 约会和关系暴力, stalking, as well as aiding acts of 性暴力. 性暴力是对个人最私人和私人权利的不可容忍的侵犯,是罗切斯特社区和技术学院(皇冠hg2020手机app下载)禁止的。. 我们致力于消除一切形式的性暴力,并将对任何违反我们政策的个人采取适当的补救措施.
肯定同意 is required under Minnesota State Board Policy 1B.3,并指出, 知情同意, 无偿, 以及双方都理解的参与性活动的意愿这是通过明确表达的, 明确的, 以及肯定的言语或行动. 想要进行性活动的一方有责任确保另一方已经同意进行性活动. Consent must be present throughout the entire sexual activity and can be revoked at any time. If coercion, intimidation, threats, and/or physical force are used, there is no consent. 投诉人在精神上或身体上无行为能力或受损,以致无法理解事实, nature, 或者性生活的程度, there is no consent; this includes conditions due to alcohol or drug consumption, 或者睡着或失去知觉. 缺乏抗议, 无阻力, or silence alone does not constitute consent, and past consent to sexual activities does not imply ongoing future consent. 当事人之间是否存在约会关系或过去是否有过性关系并不能证明存在, 或者为…提供基础, 同意的假设. 被投诉人是否利用了对投诉人有影响力的地位,可能是决定是否同意的一个因素.”
Any person** may report sex discrimination, 包括当面性骚扰, 在网上填妥 性暴力举报表格, by mail, by telephone, or by email, using the contact 信息 listed above. 皇冠hg2020app下载性别歧视的报告, 包括性骚扰, 可在任何时间(包括非营业时间)使用电话号码或电邮地址提出申请, 或者邮寄到办公室地址, 为第九条协调员列出的. 强烈鼓励性暴力和性骚扰(根据第九条的定义)的投诉人及时报告.
Victim Services is a trusted resource for education, 预防, 以及赋予个人权力, families, 以及受犯罪影响的社区. Victim advocates are a resource for support, 信息, and referrals for all victims of sexual assault, 性暴力, 一般犯罪. Advocates are specially trained staff, supporting and educating those affected by crime
性暴力 Prevention Training (SVPT) 是否所有明尼苏达州立学院和大学的学生都必须有预防项目,并且符合州和联邦的规定. Students learn more 信息 about personal violence including sexual assault, rape, 约会和关系暴力, stalking, 还有性骚扰. 另外, 学生学习同意, rights, and responsibilities as a student including the 性暴力 Policy, where to report an incident of 性暴力 on campus, 以及为个人暴力受害者提供的学院和社区支持服务和资源. This 信息 is vital for making 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 a safe environment for everyone.
明尼苏达州Stat 145.905允许妇女在母亲和孩子得到授权的任何公共或私人场所进行母乳喂养. A student who needs to leave class to breastfeed or pump should receive an excused absence. 学生们被鼓励与第九条协调员或课程讲师谈论皇冠hg2020app下载缺课或母乳喂养的具体请求.
Gender is a protected class under Title IX of the Educational Amendments. This class encompasses discrimination based on a student’s gender identity, including discrimination based on a student’s transgender identity. 皇冠hg2020手机app下载承诺不排除, 分离, 拒绝给予, or otherwise treating individuals differently based on gender or sex.
It is important for 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 to create a safe, comfortable, and inclusive environment. This aspiration drives allowing students to participate consistent with their gender identity. This includes student records (including a preferred name procedure), 所有性别厕所, 和活动.
根据第九章(34 CFR 106),罗切斯特社区和技术学院必须公开分享用于培训第九章个人的所有材料:第九章协调员, 调查人员, 决策者, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. The institution shall make these training materials publicly available on their website, continuing to post materials to the extent necessary to comply with the federal regulations. The Title IX regulations were effective on August 20, 2020. 上述个人参加的所有培训均满足所需的培训内容(Title IX [34 CFR 106]).45(b)(10)(i)(D)]) are included upon and following this date. All materials will be kept by the institution for seven years and can be reviewed below. The training slides were prepared for the identified training purposes, 由指定的演讲者协助, and informed by discussion on the noted session dates.